Helicopter lessons - now for something completely different!
Looking for helicopter lessons? There is only one school in the world that combines your training with the excitement of game conservation in Africa.
Learn to Fly, in association with the John Bassi helicopter school, offers you a unique training opportunity - a six week helicopter private pilot licence course that has you staying in bush camps and lodges near South Africa's famous Kruger National Park.
The training offers you an internationally-recognised private pilot licence combined with experiences you will never forget - capturing and relocating Africa's big and small wild animals.
The course is based just outside Pretoria, but most of your time will be spent flying from bush camps and game lodges near the Kruger Park.
The first student on the course (March 2003) has been thrilled by the experience. 'One the first day we did a game count, herded Wildebeest and I held down the horns of antelope prior to it being relocated. A truly amazing experience!'
For more information about helicopter lessons, click here
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