Training in R22 Robinson Helicopters
Your helicopter training will be in the R22 Robinson helicopters - agile and manoeuvrable piston engine two-seater helicopters. However you may choose other options.
For example, should you wish to train on your own helicopter, or learn to fly on a different type such as the R44, Bell 206 or Schweizer 300, we will do our best to accommodate you. This could alter the total cost, as the cost per hour varies according to the make and model of helicopter used.
About Robinson Helicopters
Robinson Helicopter Company is the world's leading producer of civil helicopters. The four-seat Model R44 is the world's most popular helicopter.
The two-seat Model R22 has the lowest acquisition and operating costs of any production helicopter - hence its extensive use by flying schools trying to keep the cost of training within reach of students.
According to the manufacturers, 'more than 3,000 R22 helicopters have been delivered to 60 countries around the globe' and ...'The R22 holds every performance record in its weight class including speed, altitude, and distance.'
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